Dias Tras Dias is a film photography series created during a one-year journey through nine countries, from South America to North America. Through the observation of landscapes and everyday scenes, the artist sought to reveal a visual poetry by developing a subjective photographic language, while drawing inspiration from the legacy of documentary photography.

The scenes captured are not of significant events, but rather of non-events gathered along the roadside, in forests, cemeteries, and villages, where banality becomes a subject of reflection. The characters, rarely identifiable, and the settings, often empty or nearly abandoned, evoke and question the idea of an impending exodus. The ambivalent relationship between vegetation and the urban environment raises questions about our way of coexisting with nature. This tension between the natural and the artificial becomes a visual metaphor for our relationship with the world.

Dias Tras Dias is an invitation to wander, tinged with a strange lyricism.

© 2024